Moving onto another chapter in life can be beautiful and exciting and it certainly is a time when there is major growth taking place.  However, not all life transitions are either out of choice or come from something that we wanted. Even if the change is something that we chose and maybe even greatly desired (such as becoming a parent, moving, stopping an addictive behaviour etc) it does not mean that is not going to cause some form of distress.

It is during this period that I believe coming to therapy can be hugely beneficial, as you are trying to navigate this in-between stage. This time can be very vulnerable feeling because you are no longer in what is familiar, you might be reaching for old ways of coping or realizing that your coping tools do not work anymore at all.

It can be really hard to embrace the change and to not want to cling to what is familiar. Therapy can support you in what needs to be let go of and what needs to be accepted going forward. There can be a real grieving during this period that often needs to be acknowledged in order to be able to move on more fully, even if it is painful for a while. Shame I find can be really present during difficult life transitions because you are more raw, uncomfortable and not experiencing yourself at your most strong.